☞ about the "Monx"

A few years ago, this little comic figure "Monx" was created by chance during a phone call while doodling on a piece of paper... Without further ado, it was integrated into my pictures and immediately found fans. The first "Monx" exhibition took place in Berlin. This was followed by numerous exhibitions in German cities, as well as in Greece and Denmark, and now the Monx have also landed in the digital pixel universe...

☞ about me

My name is Marion Freytag. I was born with a paintbrush in my hand. (To this day, it has not been possible to find out how this brush got into my hand)

I am an artist and graphic designer. I have already exhibited my pictures in galleries (Berlin, Hamburg, Cologne, Essen, Frankfurt/M.), as well as abroad (Denmark, Greece and the USA).

I am also happy to create individual artworks according to your wishes... You are welcome to contact me!


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